Tuesday 31 May 2016

Out Of The Dark

    This may sound like your everyday transformation story, but trust me, there’s a twist. This young man has experienced a lot in the short time he has spent on earth and his story is worth telling.

    After two years of living large, partying hard and getting high, he finally had “the moment”. Alone in his room, blunt in hand, his brains opened (like they do when he’s on that ‘high’) and the voice began to speak. The moment when the understanding came seemed insignificant, but deep down, he knew. He knew exactly what had happened, whether he accepted the fact was another story entirely.

The turning point had come while he was in his ‘moment’ and there was no denying the fact. It was at the back of his mind for days on end. He just couldn’t get the nagging thoughts out of his mind.

       Days turned into weeks, and gradually the change was taking place. He started getting his acts together. One after the other, different areas of his life started changing. He started going to church, attending lectures, breaking off bad habits (not completely), staying away from ‘those’ conversations and friends.
While recounting his story, he said, ‘I was lucky that I didn’t realize it when it was too late’. He still had some time to put things right. He had a second chance and was making the most of it. He wasn’t taking anything for granted anymore.  He knew he had to change the course his life was sailing before he got to the point of no return, full of regrets. 

      People around him noticed the change, his friends, lecturers, even he felt the change, and everyone who knew how he was in the past, saw the difference. He was now active in class, realizing his potentials, discovering talents he had never recognized and he felt good about it. He was surprised at how wonderful life could be. To him it was the best time of his life. 

       He is so passionate about telling his story to those coming behind. He doesn’t want them to make the same mistakes he made (which might sound cliché). He has been talking to few people around whom he believes can learn from him. Most aren’t taking it seriously though, which is really sad. It’s terrible to see someone walking blindly/knowingly into a pit you got out of and they don’t heed your warnings. The truth is, just as he came to the understanding on his own, the same way others in the wrong path have to come to that understanding personally.

      Although he isn’t there yet, he is definitely on the way. Trust me, if the ‘goody-two-shoes’ are not careful, they will be left behind. The revolution is happening, so guys get on the band wagon and don’t be left out.
     It is true what they say, “experience is the best teacher”.


                                                                        By Akande Gracious (writer, editor and blogger).
                                                                            visit www.graciousakande.wordpress.com

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